For funeral homes, we offer the Base Funeral Home Module. This module features smart tools for the administration and execution of management activities, viewings, and use of hospitality services.
The Base Funeral Home Module offers support for the scheduling and execution of reservations, the arrival of the deceased, and ceremonies. The module can also be used for the sale and administration of keepsakes and hospitality facilities. After the viewing period, the location of the burial or cremation will be registered.
The arrival of the deceased at the funeral home for viewing, the ceremony, and the use of hospitality facilities are scheduled in a central planning environment. This offers a clear overview of how and when the required facilities such as the hall, the hospitality facilities, the cooling systems, etc. will be used. The entry lines for planning everything will avoid double entries.
Employees have access to day lists. These lists tell the employee what to expect and which preparations must be made. CIBIS offers various standard lists and overviews. The organisation can also compile customised lists and overviews for the employees or the management.
For invoicing, CIBIS collects all the relevant elements based on the intended invoice date and presents them in a list. When all of the information has been gathered, the respective elements are then selected and invoiced. CIBIS prepares the invoices and prints them. The respective journal entries are forwarded to the financial administration via a special link. The organisation can also choose to compile its own invoices and make them available in the CIBIS environment.
CIBIS software features
The CIBIS platform does not require user licences and has no limitations on the number of collections or segments. This makes the platform exceptionally suitable to share between multiple locations.
The environment complies with broad international information security standards such as ISO270001 and NEN 2082. CIBIS requires a secure SSL (https) connection.
SLA for maintenance, support and hosting
CIBIS includes SLA for maintenance, support and hosting. There are no restrictions on the amount of support or the number of notifications.
CIBIS is a multimedia information system. This means that images, audio/video, documents, etc. can be linked when this is useful and desired. CIBIS also offers media viewers for the presentation of footage and images so that the multimedia content can be instantly viewed and/or heard.
New modules, services, and links with/to external systems make CIBIS endlessly extensible and ready to meet future needs and requirements.
CIBIS supports countless links and link protocols. These include API, OAI, SRU, HTTPS, as well as import/export in the form of XML, CSV, and html.